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Datasphere Initiative

Cyber Trust

Partner Description: Cyber Trust is an international consulting company providing information & cyber security services. Company is based in Tbilisi, Georgia and delivers a wide range of services and expert knowledge internationally with specific focus on strengthening the national critical infrastructure resilience of countries in the Western Balkans, the Wider Black Sea region, and the South Caucasus.
Their main strength is an accumulated expertise of our team members who are high-quality security professionals with a solid leadership experience and with a successfully completed projects in information & cyber security field. Cyber Trust’s experts have impressive professional background and outstanding achievements, including:

Focus on specific topics

GFCE Member Since: 6 September 2023

Center for Multilateral Affairs (CfMA)

Centre for Multilateral Affairs aids policy thinkingadvances Africa and global south perspectives and priorities in domestic, regional and international policy discourses. 

Our approach is to inform, shape and advance Africa and global south perspectives and priorities at multi-stakeholder policy platforms. We keenly explore the intersection of digital, cyberspace governance and multilateral politics.

Atlantic Council

GFCE member since: February 16, 2024.

Established in 1961, the Atlantic Council promotes constructive leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the Atlantic Community’s central role in meeting global challenges. The Council provides an essential forum for navigating the dramatic economic and political changes defining the twenty-first century by informing and galvanizing its uniquely influential network of global leaders. The Atlantic Council—through the papers it publishes, the ideas it generates, the future leaders it develops, and the communities it builds—shapes policy choices and strategies to create a more free, secure, and prosperous world.

The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative works at the nexus of geopolitics and cybersecurity to craft strategies to help shape the conduct of statecraft and to better inform and secure users of technology. This work extends through the competition of state and non-state actors, the security of the internet and computing systems, the safety of operational technology and physical systems, and the communities of cyberspace. The Initiative convenes a diverse network of passionate and knowledgeable contributors, bridging the gap among technical, policy, and user communities.

Since 2012, the Cyber Statecraft Initiative has supported the development of next generation cyber talent through its Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge, the world’s only cyber policy and strategy competition. Thousands of students from every inhabited continent have developed key, interdisciplinary cyber skills through the Cyber 9/12 competition program, closing the cyber skills gap in the process.

Focus on specific topics:

GFCE Partner Since: 2024

Independent Diplomat

Partner Description: Independent Diplomat (ID) is a non-profit advisory group that provides advice and support in diplomatic technique and strategy to marginalised voices within the international community, with a view to levelling the diplomatic playing field. ID has been working on cyber security policy and strategy and cyber diplomacy since 2019, supporting smaller governments and civil society with capacity constraints to navigate relevant international processes. ID offers short-term consultative and training support, as well as a longer-term partnership model, helping to map and articulate needs, design strategy, and coordinate with other sectoral actors for greater coherence and impact. We believe a holistic and sustained approach is required to achieve equity in global cyber resilience.

GFCE Member Since: 20 November 2023

Pacific Forum

Partner Description: Pacific Forum is implementing Cyber ASEAN, a two-year cyber capacity-building project that aims to elevate Southeast Asia’s cyber resiliency. The project seeks to support the five dimensions of the ASEAN Cybersecurity Cooperation Strategy and the implementation of the UN norms of responsible state behavior in cyberspace. With support from DFAT’s Cyber and Critical Tech Cooperation Program, Pacific Forum’s Cyber ASEAN aims to produce Southeast Asia’s homegrown cyber assessment framework based on the five enabling pillars of cyber resiliency and competency: international collaboration, international technical standards, information-sharing and threat management, capacity-building, and inclusion.

GFCE Member Since: 20 November 2023

Africa Cyber Defense Forum (ACDF)

Partner Description: Africa Cyber Defense Forum (ACDF) is a continental platform for public-private cooperation. ACDF through its well curated and world class content, engages top level Government officials, technology experts, business and other leaders of society to shape the continental, regional and industry agendas in the African cyber space.

Our activities are anchored in our passionate pursuit of better and safer technology and we are seeking to shape the future of information security through progressive and inspiring conversations in technology and offering thought leadership to both governments, society and private sector.

GFCE Member Since: 20 November 2023

DGAP (German Council on Foreign Relations)

Partner Description: DGAP (German Council on Foreign Relations) conducts action-oriented, practical research. Its experts develop concrete solutions for pressing foreign policy concerns and contribute expertise to strategically address the challenges of an increasingly unstable world. DGAP’s Research Institute sees itself as a consultant, mediator, and driver of operative foreign policy. Among others one of DGAP’s core theme is Technology and Digitization. Our website:

GFCE Member Since: 25-10-2022

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RUSI (Royal United Services Institute)

Partner Description: The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is a world-leading independent think tank based in London. Since its foundation in 1831 RUSI has engaged in forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defence, security and international affairs. Our mission and values are underpinned by the ambition to build a more secure, equitable and stable world. RUSI’s has a dedicated cyber research group that examines UK and international strategic responses to cyber. The team calls upon broader experience of RUSI staff and Associate Fellows and has fostered a growing network of cyber experts from both the public and private sectors and academia. Through RUSI’s research and its wider activities we will help the GFCE to advance a core objective of furthering international cooperation. RUSI can provide capacity building initiatives with an independent, research-led lens.

GFCE Member Since: 25-08-2022

Participates in the following GFCE groups

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