The GFCE team

Different GFCE structures and groups are developed on a voluntary basis by Members of the GFCE Community. These entities make up the GFCE ecosystem, a unique ecosystem that is geared towards the demands and needs of the Community.

Foundation Board

The GFCE Foundation Board was installed upon establishment of the GFCE Foundation in December 2019. The Foundation Board is responsible for offering strategic guidance for the GFCE community and Secretariat, establishing continuity through outreach and fundraising, and providing a visible point of communication for the Foundation.


The GFCE co-chairs are appointed by the GFCE Community.

Advisory Board

To further promote active involvement of civil society, academia and the technical community in cyber capacity building, the first GFCE Advisory Board was established in 2016. The main role of the GFCE Advisory Board is to provide advice on the overall strategic direction of the GFCE and provide substantive input and recommendations to the GFCE Working Groups. For more information on the GFCE Advisory Board, please refer to the Terms of Reference. The Members of the Advisory Board 2022-2024 are:

Working Groups Chairs & Topic Leaders

The work of each GFCE Working Group is coordinated and led by a Working Group Chair. A Working Group Chair can be elected from within or outside of the GFCE Community, should be neutral with no political or commercial affiliations, and are elected in their personal capacity. Some Working Groups have opted to divide their work into smaller, more focused Task Forces. In this case, the Task Force may have one or multiple leaders that guide and coordinate the work of the Task Force, under direction of the Working Group Chair. The Task Force leader(s) are nominated from within the Working Groups. For more information on the GFCE Working Groups please kindly refer to the GFCE Working Groups Terms of Reference.

Research Committee

The GFCE Research Committee was established in 2020 to support the development and delivery of the annual Global Cyber Capacity Building Research Agenda. One of its main tasks will be to provide Working Groups with expert assistance to translate ideas into research questions with time/cost estimates and delivery requirements. For more information, please refer to the Research Committee Terms of Reference or email The Members of the Research Committee 2022-2024 are: