
GFCE members and partners can collaborate by putting forward initiatives focusing on global cyber capacity building. The purpose of the GFCE initiatives is to address cyber capacity building challenges by bringing together resources such as knowledge and expertise. Below you can see an overview of GFCE initiatives since 2015.

Promoting the implementation of tools and frameworks to enhance cyber stability between States

The growing importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for political, economic, social, and military activity is one of the most significant trends of the current security environment. Most if...

e-Governance and Cybersecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean

The aim of this initiative is to address the clear gap in the knowledge and awareness of Latin American and the Caribbean countries on the benefits of e-government, and the...

CyberSouth Project

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the prevention of and control of cybercrime and other offences involving electronic evidence, in line with international human rights and...


The CyberGreen initiative is a global non-profit and collaborative organization conducting activities focused on helping to improve the health of the global Cyber Ecosystem. CyberGreen will achieve this by providing...

The Cyber Surakshit Bharat Initiative

Countries  today face new and emerging challenges in cyber security  that range from a constantly shifting threat landscape to managing multiple platforms and devices in the environment. The modern threat...

CSIRT Maturity Initiative

The objective of the Cyber Security CSIRT Maturity Initiative is to provide a platform to GFCE members to help emerging and existing CSIRTS to increase their maturity level. The expertise...

Promoting Cybersecurity Due Diligence across Africa

This initiative helps African member states draft national cybersecurity frameworks for national and international engagements on cyber policy. These efforts include creating a culture of cybersecurity, developing national cyber strategies,...

No More Ransom

The No More Ransom portal is a non-commercial initiative by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre and two cyber security companies –...

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

CVD is a platform to GFCE members to share experiences and lessons learned in cyber security mechanisms for responsible disclosure or coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies and discussions on the broader...