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Focus on Specific Topics: National Cybersecurity Strategy – Critical Information Infrastructure Protection – Governmental Security Operation Center – Incident Response Management – National CSIRTEstrategia Nacional de Ciberseguridad – Protección de Infraestructuras Críticas – Centro Gubernamental de Operaciones de Seguridad – Gestión de Incidentes de Seguridad – CERT Nacional

GFCE Member Since: 16 April 2015

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African Union

Member Description: The African Union (AU) was officially launched in July 2002 in Durban, South Africa, following a decision in September 1999 by its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) which was formed in 1963, to create a new continental organization to build on its work. A total number of 54 countries joined the new organization, whose headquarters remained in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Focus on Specific Topics: The overall vision for the ICT sector within the African Union stated in various frameworks and initiatives is to continuously set up and up date sound policy to match the technological evolution in one hand and build the hard infrastructures that will strengthen integration through internal and external connectivity of the continent and secure the access of citizen to networked Information Society and lead to the digital economy.

GFCE Member Since: 16 April 2015

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