The GLACY+ Project is building upon the GLACY project* (2013 – 2016) which supported seven priority countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region in the strengthening of their criminal justice capacities on cybercrime and electronic evidence. GLACY+ aims to extend this experience by enabling GLACY priority countries to serve as hubs and share their knowledge with other countries of their respective regions. Moreover, countries of Latin America and the Caribbean now also benefit from project support.

*The project Global Action on Cybercrime (GLACY) is a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe largely funded by the Instrument for Stability (the predecessor of the ICPS). It started in November 2013 and is scheduled to end in October 2016.

Summary of Objectives

The overall purpose of the GLACY+ project is to strengthen the capacities of States worldwide to apply legislation on cybercrime and electronic evidence and enhance their abilities for effective international cooperation in this area, while ensuring compliance with international human rights standards and the rule of law.

The project is aimed to achieve this through a series of results under three objectives:

  1. Promote consistent cybercrime and cybersecurity policies and strategies
  2. Strengthen the capacity of police authorities to investigate cybercrime and engage in effective police-to-police cooperation
  3. Enable criminal justice authorities to apply legislation and prosecute and adjudicate cases of cybercrime and electronic evidence

Why/how this initiative is relevant for other members/stakeholders

GLACY+ relies on the lessons learnt, materials developed and best practices identified from the experience of GLACY priority countries, that is, Mauritius, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Tonga. These countries may act as (sub) regional “hubs” and catalyzers within GLACY+: by capitalising on their experience, in this present project their “hub” potential shall encourage changes in and between their (sub) regions, as well as start or enhance existing cooperation. Through this “ripple effect” the project can be expected to involve and have an impact on a large number of countries. This process is aimed to foster progressive (trans-) regional cooperation that promotes triangular cooperation.

Expected outcomes

1. Policies and strategies

  • Cybercrime and cybersecurity policies and strategies strengthened in priority countries  and experience shared with further countries
  • Policy dialogue and cooperation on cybercrime enhanced between priority countries and their regions, international and regional organisations

2. Law enforcement capacities

  • Assessments/cyber reviews (initial and final) of law enforcement capacities available for priority countries
  • Cybercrime and computer forensics units strengthened in priority countries and experience shared with other countries
  • Law enforcement training strategies developed and available in priority and other countries, including access to ECTEG training materials with the ambition to be incorporated as training modules in law enforcement training academies when possible
  • At least 500 law enforcement officers trained in basic cybercrime investigations and computer forensics as well as related rule of law requirements in line with EU best practice (ECTEG material)
  • Increased and more effective international police-to-police cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence is more effective

3. Criminal justice capacities

  • Assessments of criminal justice capabilities available for priority countries
  • Legislation on cybercrime and electronic evidence strengthened in line with the Budapest Convention and rule of law and human rights standards in priority  countries and reforms have been initiated in additional countries
  • Judicial training academies in at least 10 countries are providing training on cybercrime and electronic evidence as part of their regular curricula and experience has been shared with other countries
  • Institutions and procedures for international judicial cooperation related to cybercrime and electronic evidence improved in at least 10 countries and experience shared with other countries


Participating Members and Partners

Council of Europe

European Union

INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI)

Other GFCE Members involved in this initiative:

Europol, Estonia, France, Romania, United Kingdom, United States of America

Hubs and priority countries:

Dominican Republic, Ghana, Mauritius, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tonga