The aim of this initiative is to address the clear gap in the knowledge and awareness of Latin American and the Caribbean countries on the benefits of e-government, and the opportunities it provides to improve the cybersecurity mindset of their governments.
The results of the OAS-IDB Report “Cybersecurity Are we ready in Latin America and the Caribbean?” highlighted under the theme of ‘Government’s Cybersecurity Mind set’, that 96.88% of the 32 countries analyzed in Latin America and the Caribbean, have an assessed level of maturity that ranges between start-up and formative. In addition, according to the Report, the level of trust in e-government for a majority of the respondents also ranged at a level of maturity of start-up or formative.
The effective use of ICTs has provided an avenue for the promotion of good governance and transparent implementation of Government activities. Not only has these tools facilitated greater efficiency but they have also enabled many governments to improve services, achieve specific public policy objectives, contributed to economic growth and development and reduce the gap between government and their citizens. As demonstrated by the forgoing paragraphs however, many government s in the Latin American and Caribbean region have not taken advantage of the benefits of ICT and as a result the E-government initiative will seek to provide information and capacity building initiatives to improve the knowledge and application of cybersecurity based e-government initiatives.
Expected outcomes
Beneficiary Countries:
Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Uruguay (other countries can be included based on expressed interest form member state Governments).
2017- 2018 Activities:
Delivery of training in at least 3 of the beneficiary countries in cybersecurity and e-government
Participating members & partners
Participation in this initiative is open to all members of the GFCE. In particular, developing countries are encouraged to participate.