Global Overview of Existing Cyber Capacity Assessment Tools (GOAT)

Publish date: 15/06/2021

This Global Overview of Assessment Tools (GOAT) document has been developed by the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), Working Group A – Task Force Strategy and Assessments, as a project under its Work Plan 2020.

The Task Force recognized the need to create awareness on the different cyber capacity assessment tools that exist and to provide details on their methodologies, outputs and impact, in order to help the GFCE community (beneficiaries, funders and implementers) and beyond identify suitable tools and approaches geared to the prevailing needs and knowledge gaps. The GOAT therefore aims to assist them in the decision-making process by providing a comprehensive overview of the different tools, their approaches, benefits and outputs, and what to do and whom to contact if a country wishes to be assessed.

With special thanks to the ITU Editorial Services for reviewing and editing the document. ITU will also be translating the document to Spanish and French.