Global Cyber Expertise Magazine – Issue 9 – June 2021

Publish date: 15/06/2021

The Global Cyber Expertise Magazine is a bi-annual magazine on global cyber policy developments and capacity building projects. The Magazine is jointly published by the African Union, the European Union, the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise and the Organization of American States.

In this issue, our cover story takes a look at why cyber portals are important for cyber capacity building, from our Americas section. The Americas section also includes an article exploring the importance of public-private partnerships in the aftermath of COVID-19. From Africa, we have an article on the development of Sierra Leone’s national cybersecurity strategy, in addition to an article focused on building local partnerships to help young Batswana to be ‘cyber smart’. From Asia and the Pacific, we have an article highlighting the development and workings of the ASEAN-Singapore Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (ASCCE), and another article analyzing the use of the CMM in the Pacific region. From Europe, we have a follow-up article from one of our previous issues on EU CyberNet. In addition to the regional section, we have three articles in our global developments section. Firstly, this issue dives into the GFCE Women in Cyber Capacity Building Network to highlight gender empowerment in cyber. Next, we have an article rethinking cybersecurity capacity building based on revelations from the healthcare sector. Last but not least, this issue features an article on the GFCE’s regional approach as one of the key GFCE Strategic Building Blocks.