Global Cyber Expertise Magazine – Issue 7 – April 2020

Publish date: 01/11/2020

The Global Cyber Expertise Magazine is a bi-annual magazine on global cyber policy developments and capacity building projects. The Magazine is jointly published by the African Union, the European Union, the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise and the Organization of American States.

As we celebrate our 5th Anniversary in April 2020, this special edition features a unique “5 years of the GFCE” segment, looking back at what we have achieved thus far, what is next, and what the added value of the GFCE is. Our cover story is an interview with Mr. Chris Painter, President of the GFCE Foundation Board, who shares his perspective on the path forward for the GFCE. From the global developments section, one article from members of the GFCE Advisory Board looks at the importance of civil society actors in cyber capacity building. Another article explains that capacity building could be a possible common denominator in the complex UN-level discussions (GGE/OEWG). From Africa, the African Union Commission shares their efforts to tackle cybersecurity concerns from a multi-stakeholder perspective with the formation of an African Union Cybersecurity Expert Group. Also, read about the African Union’s new Digital Transformation Strategy and why a regional approach is necessary in an inter – view with Mr. Cheikh Bedda. From the Americas, the Organization of American States emphasizes the need to bridge the gender gap in cybersecurity and ICT. An interview on the strategic role of the Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) provides insight on the regional model used by CSIRTAmericas. From Asia/Pacific, read more about the GFCE’s inaugural regional Pacific Meeting that took place in February 2020 as well as India’s online cyber capacity building program for law enforcement agencies and judiciaries. From Europe, an article on the new EU CyberNet initiative explores what makes this project unique and how it could support the EU’s ongoing efforts in cyber capacity building. Also, an interview with Mr. Miguel González-Sancho gives insight on the work of the European Commission’s “Cybersecurity Technology and Capacity Building” Unit.