Global Cyber Expertise Magazine – Issue 11 – September 2022

Publish date: 22/09/2023

The Global Cyber Expertise Magazine is a joint initiative by the African Union, European Union, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise and Organization of American States. The Magazine aims to provide cyber policymakers and stakeholders insight on cyber capacity building projects, policies and developments globally.

In this edition, our cover story takes a look at how the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building is making 2023 the year of Cyber Resilience for Development. Also under the global developments section, we learn about how why the resilience of NGOs in cyberspace should be a top priority and the role of the CyberPeace Builders in achieving this. Following this, we delve into how regional multistakeholder cyber capacity building is being advanced through the Global Cyber Policy Dialogues.

From the Americas, learn about the need for cyber capacity building and the cybersecurity situation of the region. Then take a look into how the region is responding specifically to the shortage of cybersecurity professionals through education, training and capacity-building opportunities.

From Europe, we have an article highlighting how the UK’s Digital Access Programme offers a holistic approach to building and sustaining cyber capacity. Additionally, we have an article on strategies for cyber diplomacy capacity building.

From Africa, read about the developments of the Africa Cyber Capacity Building Committee, in addition to how African students’ strategic thinking on cybersecurity is being developed through cyber policy competitions such as the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge.

From Asia and Pacific, we have an article reflecting on some cyber incidents that affected the Pacific in the past year, and how these inform the role of the GFCE in supporting the Pacific’s cyber capacity building efforts.