Developing Cyber Security as a Profession

Publish date: 01/07/2022

This report was drawn up by the GFCE’s Working Group D on Cyber Security Culture and Skills in order to better understand different perspectives on developing cyber security as a profession, including the possible barriers that exist, qualifications and accreditations, and the role of awareness campaigns and regulation.

The results obtained from the survey circulated to develop this report have demonstrated the need to find a balance between strengthening the professional framework for cyber security while also avoiding introducing barriers to entry. They also bring out the different challenges faced by stakeholders in developing countries.

This report will provide a useful starting point for a wider global debate on how best to develop cyber security as a profession, to attract more people to pursue a career in cyber and to support employers to identify and recruit the right people for their needs. GFCE will continue to address these issues and we encourage others to join us in this effort.