CSIRT Maturity Kit

Publish date: 08/04/2015

The purpose of this CSIRT Maturity Kit is to help emerging and existing Computer Security Response Teams (CSIRTs) to increase their maturity level. This is achieved by offering a set of best practices that cover CSIRT governance, organisation and operations. The document that is presented now provides a starting point to guide CSIRTs through this process and serves as a basis for further international discussion on this topic and the exchange of best practices, in the International One Conference 2015, the GCCS2015 and the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise/CSIRT Maturity Initiative.

This document identifies, and offers suggestions for improving, 5 areas of CSIRT maturity:
1. Foundation – Creating and laying the foundation of your CSIRT.
2. Organisation – Creating internal structures and joining the right networks.
3. Human – Selecting and developing the most important asset of your team.
4. Tools – Selecting and developing appropriate automation and infrastructure.
5. Processes – Identifying and formalising the core services of your CSIRT.

Questions in this regard can be sent to contact@thegfce.org