15/10/2020 – 15/08/2021
Project objectives
Improved gender-sensitive research-based cyber capacity building (hereafter CCB) projects developed within GFCE member-states’ national cyber entities. CCB projects are on the most urgent themes as identified by the GFCE community (cyber policy and strategy, cyber incident management, critical infrastructure protection, cybercrime legislation, cyber(crime) awareness and cyber security workforce development) and are developed through multi-stakeholder, inclusive and international cooperation.
- Research Committee recruited considering gender and regional balance
- An Operational ToR for the research agenda and research mechanism while taking account of gender and human rights considerations
- Gender-sensitive Pilot Research questions written, agreed and commissioned between GFCE WG members and research committee and facilitated by the GFCE Secretariat
- 3 CCB Research reports
- Evaluation of GFCE’s pilot research agenda process and effectiveness conducted, and recommendations implemented
- A strong and inclusive network of CCB researchers from academia, civil society and the tech community in support of CCB activities in GFCE member-states (including countries where GAC programs)