Szilvia Tóth

CBMs, norms & Cyberdiplomacy Co-Lead

Szilvia Tóth currently works as the Cyber Security Officer at the Secretariat of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the largest regional security organisation.

In her scope of work she is responsible for supporting participating States of the OSCE in cyber related matters as well as the Chair of the Organisation’s Informal Working Group deliberating on cyber issues, including assistance in developing and implementing cyber Confidence Building Measures. Previously Ms. Tóth was a diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary for 10 years

As a Coordinator for Cyber Issues she was responsible for international outreach activities on cyberspace issues both in bilateral and multilateral relations. Before that she was responsible for coordination of European Union affairs in the field of telecommunications and information society at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was also a member of the first Hungarian European Union Presidency team in 2011.

Before joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she worked at the mobile phone operator Vodafone Hungary and fixed-line telecom service provider United Telecom Investment. She appeared at a number of national and international conferences and workshops as speaker or moderator in the subject matter of international cooperation in the field of cyberspace. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International communications and a Master’s degree in European Union affairs. She is an alumna of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, having completed the Program on Cyber Security Studies in 2014 (PCSS 15-1) and was an adjunct faculty member and co-seminar leader at the same course in 2018.