Inge Bryan Secretary of the GFCE Foundation Board

Inge Bryan is Partner within Cyber Risk Services and Public Policy Leader. Her career spans two decades in intelligence and law enforcement.

Her last position was Deputy Director of the Netherlands Criminal Investigations Division, where she dealt with counter terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and high tech crime. She laid the basis for the use of internet in intelligence work in The Netherlands and pioneered in the use of big data.

She has seen all sides of cyber espionage and – crime first hand and has seen the threat grow and diversify. She specializes in integrating new technology in old school investigating trade craft. In her new position, she has chosen to see cyber risks as an inspiration for innovation and she strongly believes they can be a catalyst for positive change in any professional environment. Her approach to cyber security matters enables clients to strengthen their business while solving their most prominent security and continuity issues.

  • 2018-present: Public Policy Leader, Deloitte, the Netherlands
  • 2016-present: Partner Cyber Risk Advisory, Deloitte, the Netherlands
  • 2012-2016: National Police, National Criminal Investigations Division, Deputy director
  • 2011-2012: Program leader of the Nationalization of the Netherlands Police Agency (KLPD)
  • 2007-2010: Justice & Home Affairs Counsellor, Netherlands Embassy in Paris
  • 1997-2011: General Intelligence & Security Service, the Netherlands, various positions(Foto: Daan Muller)
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