Chris Buckridge

Senior Strategy Advisor

Mr. Chris Buckridge joined the GFCE Secretariat as a consultant in 2023. 

Chris is an independent consultant, analyst, and commentator in the Internet governance and digital policy space. He worked for more than two decades with Regional Internet Registries, starting with APNIC in 2003, before joining the RIPE NCC in 2006. During his tenure at the RIPE NCC, he helped develop and lead the organisation’s engagement in public policy and Internet governance, working closely with institutions including the International Telecommunication Union, the OECD, and the United Nations.

In 2015, Chris served a member of the Australian government delegation to the WSIS+10 review. Since 2016, he has served as a member of the EuroDIG Association Board, and has been actively engaged in national and regional Internet governance initiatives around the world. In 2021, he was appointed to the Multistakeholder Advisory Group or MAG of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, where he will complete his third and final one-year term in 2024. In 2023, he was appointed to an initial three-year term on the ICANN Board of Directors. 

Chris holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Queensland in Australia.