Cherie Lagakali

GFCE Pacific Hub Senior Advisor Cyber Policy & Communications

Cherie Lagakali is an ICT Consultant currently maintaining and updating a booking system for a Travel Company in Fiji while collecting information on technical training needs in few economies in the Pacific.

She has a Bachelor of Information Technology with combined 13 years experience in Application Development, Systems Analysis and Business process modelling and redesign. Cherie is Secretary for PICISOC (Pacific Island Chapter of the Internet Society) board and is an Internet Government enthusiast. She is a member of the APrIGF – Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum Multi-stakeholder Group, a second time ICANN fellow and an Atlas III ambassador for ICANN at-large.

As a mother of 2, Cherie is passionate about online privacy and child safety online. Would love to see more Women in ICT and leadership roles and is always keen to bring people together to generate the relevant discussions for a better, safer, accessible, affordable internet in the Pacific. Cherie is also appointed as the GFCE Pacific Liaison leading the scoping, analysis and design of a future GFCE Pacific Hub. For those rare occasions when not online, organising workshops or spending time with her kids, Cherie loves reading.