Women in Cyber Capacity Building – Breakfast Session – “Sharing Regional Perspectives ”

The Women in Cyber Capacity Building (WiCCB) Breakfast: Sharing Regional Perspectives, held on November 28th, 2023, in Accra, Ghana, marked a significant step forward in addressing gender inequality within the realm of Cyber Capacity Building (CCB). The session served as an informal gathering of all gender equality advocates in cyberspace, fostering connections and collaborations across cyber and development sectors to promote sustainable cooperation for gender equality in the field.

In the context of CCB, gender inequality persists in various aspects, including education, cybercrime, and policy development. Young girls and women often face limited opportunities in this emerging field, and the WiCCB Breakfast aimed to bring together stakeholders to discuss and address these challenges. Recognizing the recent nature of CCB, participants emphasized the need to identify and delineate the issues surrounding gender inequality, further discussions, and share best solutions and practices with the community. Importantly, the recognition that regional perspectives play a crucial role in addressing gender disparities highlighted the need for tailored solutions on a regional scale.

The key takeaways from the session underscored the urgency of implementing tangible measures for real-time change in CCB. Participants unanimously acknowledged that men and women have different tools available to them, primarily due to systematic biases. To counteract this, the importance of providing equal opportunities and platforms for women in CCB was emphasized. These opportunities should be founded on a comprehensive understanding of the specific inequalities within the field.

One of the central recommendations that emerged was the creation of educational opportunities, with a special emphasis on educating young girls. By fostering educational initiatives, the community aims to empower women and bridge the gender gap in CCB. Moreover, it was highlighted that initiatives should not only focus on women’s empowerment but also include awareness-raising mechanisms. Building awareness of systematic biases should be an integral part of policies, reflecting a mindset of gender equality in CCB.

The informal setting allowed participants to connect, share experiences, and forge stronger ties in the pursuit of a more inclusive and gender-equal cyberspace. The event provided a platform for meaningful discussions, fostering a sense of collective responsibility to drive positive change. As the community continues to work towards a more equitable future in CCB, it is evident that initiatives like the WiCCB Breakfast are vital stepping stones towards achieving gender parity in the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity and capacity building.