Launch Global Cyber Expertise Magazine
News item | 07-06-2016
During the GFCE Annual Meeting on 1th of June in Washington D.C. a new Magazine was launched: the Global Cyber Expertise Magazine. This new tri-annual Magazine provides an inside look on the latest cyber policy developments and highlights best practices in cyber capacity building. It is jointly developed by the African Union, the European Union, the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise and the Organisation for American States and is open for others to join.
You can download the first issue here.

Cyber policy developments around the word
The first issue provides an overview of the current state of play around the world. An article by Symantec corporation zooms in on cybersecurity trends in Africa, the economic potential but also the high level of cyber threats. A story by the Organisation of American States investigates the cyber readiness in Latin American and Caribbean. The policy toolbox and diplomatic stance of the European Union on global cyber policy are explained in two articles by high level EU officials. In his contribution to this issue a Malaysian Cybersecurity Official calls for a more regional approach towards cyber capacity building in Asia. The Magazine provides a detailed overview of several cyber capacity building initiatives by GFCE members and partners.
Join the forum!
This Magazine aims to be a forum for cyber policymakers and stakeholders to exchange experiences and inform each other on latest developments. The Editorial Board is therefor constantly on the lookout for news and background articles about cyber policy developments and initiatives, with a global relevance. Interested to join the forum? Please contact the Editorial Board via Deadline for submissions for the second issue is 31 August 2016.