News item | 16-10-2017
We are proud to announce Austria and Mauritius as the newest members of the GFCE community. This adds up to a total of 63 members united to strengthen global cyber capacity efforts. Please read a quick introduction of both members below.

The BKA recognizes the importance of strong global networks and prevention of duplication, especially in cyber capacity building, and therefore supports the vision of the GFCE. While starting preparations for the Austrian presidency of the Council of the European Union (July to December 2018), the BKA could not hope for a more suitable time to join the GFCE and looks forward to jointly take cyber capacity to the next level.
The Government of Mauritius recognises the serious threats posed by cybercrime and herewith the need for cyber capacity building efforts. Mauritius has developed a National Cyber Security Strategy and National Cybercrime Strategy, which are currently in effect. These strategies give insight on the approach and strategy of the Mauritian Government and what measures are taken to effectively protect their cyberspace. One of the main focus areas of these strategies is strengthening cyber capacity of different target groups through various programs within society.