GFCE Advisory Board 2018-2020 Activities Report

News Article | 18 June 2020

This article covers the release of the Activities Report of the outgoing GFCE Advisory Board 2018-2020. The report comprises the summary of activities of the Advisory Board for the period 2018-2020 along with lessons and possible future directions for the GFCE that may be useful for other members and partners.

On Monday 1 June, the term of the new GFCE Advisory Board began for the period 2020-2022. As part of its handover and as a final deliverable, the outgoing GFCE Advisory Board released an Activities Report. In keeping with the efforts of the Advisory Board to remain transparent, the report was shared with the incoming Advisory Board and GFCE community before being made publicly available.

The aim of the Advisory Board is to provide advice on the overall strategic direction of the GFCE to ensure that cyber capacity building activities under the GFCE umbrella reflect the multistakeholder approach to policy making. In performing its functions, the Advisory Board relies on information acquired from the Foundation Board and Secretariat whilst it also gains practical insights into the GFCE through participation of AB members in various other bodies, in particular the Working Groups.

The current activities report provides a non-exhaustive overview of the activities implemented by the Advisory Board as well as contributions made by individual members of the Board. The report includes several lessons learned and recommendations for the attention of incoming Advisory Board 2020-2022 and for the GFCE community as a whole as it continues to grow and develop as a platform for strengthening the global exchange of knowledge and expertise on cyber capacity building.

Read the Activities Report in full here.

The incoming GFCE Advisory Board 2020-22 will hold its first meeting this month, where it will discuss amongst other things the Activities Report and how the recommendations might inform its own work plan and intentions for the current term.