Editorial – OAS
News item | 07-12-2016
Welcome to the second edition of the Global Cyber Expertise Magazine! Jointly published by the European Union, the African Union, the Organization of American States and the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, this magazine allows policymakers to stay abreast of current developments on global capacity building projects and policies related to cybersecurity.

This second issue provides a well-rounded overview of the current status of cybersecurity throughout the globe, including the risks, challenges and opportunities that some countries encounter. As the use and development of ICTs grows, so does the risk of cyber related crimes, threats and attacks. Our article on West Africa examines the fight against cybercrime in the region, explaining the challenges associated with limited human resources, as well as the need for effective legal and regulatory frameworks. On a similar note, our case study on Mauritius examines the potential benefits of implementing a Cybersecurity Strategy and how this can improve a country’s response to cyberattacks. With regards to Latin America, the author explores how Information Security Risk Management can help increase the cybersecurity mindset of governments throughout the region. And in Australia, we illustrate the possibility of advancing and protecting the country’s interests online in an age where the government needs to expand its cybersecurity capabilities, respond to cyber threats and promote norms and behaviors that are consistent with a secure, free and open Internet.
This issue also highlights some innovative experiences in the global quest to improve cyber security capabilities, such as the 2016 Meridian Conference, which focused on developing capacities in Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP), as well as the 2016 GFCE Annual Meeting that gathered over 100 cyber policy makers and stakeholders from throughout the world to exchange experiences on cybersecurity capacity building initiatives.
The “Cyber Security Guide for Business” developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), identifies 6 security actions you can take to address cyber security challenges and raise awareness for online security in your business. And finally, the case study on the legal implications of “Pokémon Go” in Brazil provides an interesting view on the risks associated with new online games and the increased availability of personal and sensitive data on the internet.
As we work to develop the next issue of this magazine, we invite you to share information regarding cybersecurity conferences, workshops, training events, policies or case studies that other global entities might find useful. We would be particularly interested to learn about new capacity building initiatives, legislations or strategies in cybersecurity.
We hope you enjoy this issue of the Global Cyber Expertise Magazine and look forward to your continued feedback.
Alison August Treppel
This article first appeared in the second issuse of the Global Cyber Expertise Magazine – November 2016.