Cybersecurity Tech Accord announces partnership with Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE)

News item | 26-09-2018

We are proud to announce that, as of today, 61 global companies have endorsed the Cybersecurity Tech Accord and its partnership with the GFCE in a move to strengthen cyber capacity building efforts. It enables governments, international organizations, civil society and private companies to exchange best practices and expertise.

The signatories of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord pledge to “protect and empower civilians online and to improve the security, stability and resilience of cyberspace.” Most importantly the Tech Accord joins forces with the GFCE and offers participation in the new webinar series. These will be published on the website from October onwards. The goal of these developments is to raise the cybersecurity movement to a higher level and to reach a new audience. The Accord previously referred to, for instance, the Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) based on the GFCE’s Global Good Practices. CVD recommends tech companies to strive for more transparency in order to minimize cyber risks and improve communication once vulnerabilities are maliciously exploited.

More information on the Tech Accord, its members and the webinar series can be found on the Cyber Tech Accord website.