Advisory Board 2020-2022 Call for applications is now closed

The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) called upon civil society (NGO’s, academia and the technical community) to apply for membership of the GFCE Advisory Board 2020-2022. The application deadline of 1 March 2020 has now passed. The new GFCE Advisory Board will be presented to the GFCE community during the GFCE 5th Anniversary Meeting (14-16 April) in The Hague.


Ever since the launch of the GFCE in 2015, the need for a multi-stakeholder approach was emphasized. To further promote active involvement of civil society, academia and the technical community in cyber capacity building, the first GFCE Advisory Board was established in 2016. In 2018, the second GFCE Advisory Board was installed for the period 2018-2020.

Role and mandate: A voice in global capacity building

The main role of the GFCE Advisory Board is to provide advice on the overall strategic direction of the GFCE and to be part of the GFCE’s future endeavours. The Advisory Board can also provide substantive input on and recommendations to the GFCE Working Groups and will have networking and exposure opportunities. The Advisory Board advises the GFCE upon request and on its own initiative.

The role and mandate of the Advisory Board are laid down in the ‘GFCE Advisory Board Terms of Reference’. More information about tasks and responsibilities can be found in the ‘GFCE Advisory Board Rules of Procedure’. Members will serve on the Advisory Board for a period of two years, with the possibility of re-election for a second two-year term.

Candidate profile

Applicants for the GFCE Advisory Board should meet the below criteria:

  • The applicant applies in his/her individual capacity;
  • The applicant is a representative of civil society (NGO, academia or technical community);
  • The applicant has expertise in, or experience with, cyber capacity building;
  • The applicant is available for a period of two years, starting from May 2020.

Members of the current Advisory Board, who are eligible for a second two-year term, are invited to apply for re-election. In order to enable broad participation of the GFCE community and to ensure a clear division of roles and responsibilities, the holding of multiple positions in the organization is discouraged, such as holding a GFCE Advisory Board position next to a GFCE Working Group Chair or Task Force Lead position.

Selection procedure

  1. Applicants are encouraged to send a short biography, their CV and cover letter to the application page to the GFCE Secretariat at Deadline for application is Sunday 1 March 2020.
  2. Following the application deadline, the GFCE Co-Chairs will select and present a shortlist of applicants to the GFCE community. This shortlist will be based on the application criteria and the following requirements: availability; relevance of expertise and experience; preserving institutional memory and ensuring the continuity of the Board’s operations by retaining up to 1/3 of the current GFCE Advisory Board members; geographic and gender balance, therewith striving for diversity of perspectives.
  3. Out of the shortlist presented by the GFCE Co-Chairs, the GFCE community will be invited by the GFCE Co-Chairs to forward their three preferred candidates to the GFCE Secretariat.
  4. Finally, the GFCE Co-Chairs will present, based on the above mentioned requirements and the preferences of the GFCE community, which nominees are selected for the GFCE Advisory Board 2020-2022. In line with the GFCE Advisory Board Terms of Reference, the shortlist will be reduced to approximately ten individuals for the GFCE Advisory Board.

The GFCE Advisory Board 2020-2022 will be officially presented to the GFCE Community on Wednesday 15 April 2020 during the 5th Anniversary Meeting in The Hague. The mandate of the current Advisory Board ends on 1 June 2020 when the new Advisory Board will be installed.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

GFCE Co-Chairs and Advisory Board 2018-2020