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Monash University

Adopting a global outlook, the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University forms a powerful community of leading cybersecurity experts. Skilled educators who inspire and empower. Talented researchers who innovate and disrupt. Their faculty plays a pivotal role in international collaborations, leading over 200 transformative social good projects with partners from industry, government and NGOs. With their global reputation for excellence in education and research, as well as equity, diversity and inclusion, Monash University is cultivating the changemakers of tomorrow.

Current capacity building projects they are working on include The Post Quantum Cryptography in the Indo-Pacific Program (PQCIP) and CMM reviews in the Pacific in collaboration with OCSC and Oxford.

The Faculty of Information Technology of Monash University is currently involved in Working Group A and have been involved in working group B. Moreover, they have a vested interest in working in group C – Cybercrime, D- Cybersecurity Culture and Skills and E- Emerging Technologies.

Cambridge Global Advisors

That’s IT Consultants

That’s IT Consultants is a technology and cybersecurity managed service provider. Their mission is to provide cybersecurity and IT management solutions that assist organizations and governments with their security posture across the Pacific Region. Their services and solutions directly contribute to cyber capacity building focus areas, which they are working on with current businesses.

That’s IT Consultants is interested to collaborate and partner with GFCE to work in these areas of focus:


Kitskoo specializes in designing and managing digital infrastructure and services. Their work encompasses assessments, research, policy, strategy, design, and project management. They work with governments, development finance institutions, corporations, and non-profits in more than 20 countries across Asia, the Pacific, and Africa.

Kitskoo projects and services focus on the critical areas of Data Governance, Personal Data Protection, Data Classification, Data Sharing, Interoperability, and Institutional Arrangements. Additionally, cybersecurity capacity building is emphasized including policy creation, governance, organizational design, resource allocation, and security architecture. Recently, Kitskoo designed and managed the implementation of a secure, robust, and resilient government network and IT system in the Pacific Islands.

Cybersecurity Blue & Red Team (CBRT)

CBRT (Cybersecurity Blue & Red Team) is a company specializing in providing customized cybersecurity solutions aimed at protecting and strengthening the digital infrastructure of organizations. With a team of highly skilled experts, CBRT offers services such as vulnerability management, penetration testing, 24/7 SOC, crisis management, and incident response, ensuring resilience and regulatory compliance in an increasingly complex digital environment. Additionally, through CBRT Academy, the company provides specialized training in cybersecurity, both for individuals and organizations. Its goal is to enhance the preparedness and skills of professionals and businesses in the face of growing digital risks, offering a practical and up-to-date learning framework focused on developing technical, strategic, and management competencies to tackle the most advanced cyber threats.

Focus on specific topics:

1. Specialized Cybersecurity Training

2. Advanced Research and Technological Innovation


Purdue University

The Purdue Applied Research Institute (PARI) is a non-profit, tax-exempt (501(c)(3)) wholly owned subsidiary of Purdue University (PU) in W. Lafayette, Indiana. PARI is unique in offering both the advantages of an agile global development organization, as well as access to the wide range of resources of a Tier 1 public research university. Formed as a strategic initiative of a land-grant university, PARI understands the importance of building cross-sectoral global development and national security interventions that engage academia, government, and the private sector. PU has successfully built a productive ($1 billion) university-industry ecosystem, including relationships with ~250 top 500 U.S. corporations as well as small and medium enterprises. It is one of FastCompany’s top 20 most innovative companies, and the most innovative university in the US. To support global cyber capacity building, PARI leverages myriad resources from across the university ecosystem:


We are a non-stock non-profit organization with the primary goal of empowering women to lead and be effective in their respective roles in Cyber Security and Digital Risks disciplines. Highly supports diversity, equity and inclusion as enablers of equality. We aim to create a community where men and women coexist while promoting awareness and leading practices in governance and technology in the different security and risk disciplines. As Philippine representative to the Southeast Asia Cybersecurity Consortium (SEACC) as appointed by
the Cybersecurity Bureau of DICT, WiSAP envisions to help SEA region to forming a robust cyber security posture and help bridge the technical capabilities needed across the region.

Theme: Cyber Incident Management & Critical Information Protection
We help local SMEs in financial, ecommerce and utility industries by providing tailor fitted cybersecurity and data protection requirements which they can implement in their production environments.

Theme: Cybersecurity Culture & Skills
We educate the public on digital safety in coordination with some media outlets for wider reach.

We developed digital safety education program for persons with disability in coordination with the National Disability Agency of the Philippine
Government. We educate M/SMEs on cyber hygiene and cyber scams and fraud Co developing cyber fraud learning program for selected universities in the Philippines.

ISOC Armenia NGO

ISOC Armenia is a non-for-profit NGO of Internet users of Armenia. ISOC Armenia is a ccTLD manager of .am Top Level Domain and .հայ IDN Top Level Domain. ISOC Armenia plays a key role in bringing together diverse organizations that make up the Armenian Internet community. It frequently acts as a driving force for new ideas and initiatives aimed at advancing the Internet in Armenia. Its members, representing research and educational institutions, universities, NGOs, ISPs, libraries, government agencies, the constitutional court, and businesses, collaborate to develop shared views on the management and progress of the Armenian Internet. This broad representation enables ISOC Armenia to effectively assist in creating community Internet centres in Armenia’s provinces.

The functional division of ISOC Armenia is also CERT.AM, which is responsible for Armenian domain system security.