We are a non-stock non-profit organization with the primary goal of empowering women to lead and be effective in their respective roles in Cyber Security and Digital Risks disciplines. Highly supports diversity, equity and inclusion as enablers of equality. We aim to create a community where men and women coexist while promoting awareness and leading practices in governance and technology in the different security and risk disciplines. As Philippine representative to the Southeast Asia Cybersecurity Consortium (SEACC) as appointed by
the Cybersecurity Bureau of DICT, WiSAP envisions to help SEA region to forming a robust cyber security posture and help bridge the technical capabilities needed across the region.

Theme: Cyber Incident Management & Critical Information Protection
We help local SMEs in financial, ecommerce and utility industries by providing tailor fitted cybersecurity and data protection requirements which they can implement in their production environments.

Theme: Cybersecurity Culture & Skills
We educate the public on digital safety in coordination with some media outlets for wider reach.

We developed digital safety education program for persons with disability in coordination with the National Disability Agency of the Philippine
Government. We educate M/SMEs on cyber hygiene and cyber scams and fraud Co developing cyber fraud learning program for selected universities in the Philippines.



Gender mainstreaming and inclusivity

Emerging Technologies

Cybersecurity Culture and Skills

Cyber Incident Management and Critical Infrastructure Protection

Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy