TAG International was formed by the merger of Torchlight Group and Axiom International to become a Centre of Excellence for national and community security.

TAG International works with governments, international organisations, the private sector and communities to tackle complex development challenges in conflict affected, fragile and transitioning states.

Our work spans the full spectrum of security in the broadest sense: building national policy capability, designing resilience systems, countering global and local extremism, making markets work for vulnerable communities, and developing the governance partnerships essential to shared prosperity and sustainable peace.

We believe that local problems require local solutions. Our embedded field teams bring lifelong local knowledge to help governments respond to citizens’ most pressing needs, and empower grassroots communities to take control of their own development pathways.

Since 2010 we have strengthened security, reduced conflict, built social cohesion and tackled exclusion across four continents – innovating and learning in everything we do.

Today, we are proud to be trusted to deliver some of our clients’ toughest assignments in their most challenging settings.