Organization of American States (OAS)

Member Description: The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, and came into being in 1948. The OAS/CICTE Cyber Security Program has been working for over a decade to strengthen Cybersecurity capabilities in OAS Member States based on a multi-pronged multi-stakeholder engagement approach.

Focus on Specific Topics: The Program’s efforts are geared toward three specific objectives: (1) increasing access to knowledge and information on cyber threats and risks; (2) enhancing the technical and policy capacity of governments and critical infrastructure operators to detect cyber threats, respond to cyber incidents, and combat organized crime; and (3) promoting more robust, effective and timely information-sharing, cooperation and coordination among cyber security stakeholders at the national, regional and international level.

GFCE Member Since: 16 April 2015


Cybersecurity Culture and Skills

Cyber Incident Management and Critical Infrastructure Protection

Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy

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