Partner Description: Through the cyber security program NUPI seeks to bridge the gap between the technical community and the policy world with research focusing primarily on the political dimension of cybersecurity. Through NUPI’s Centre for Cyber Security Studies we are concerned with norms and state behavior in cyber space, development assistance and capacity building, societal vulnerabilities, sovereignty and cyberspace, global governance and cyberspace. They track new developments in cybersecurity, and provide academic studies, expert analysis and strategic policy recommendations. NUPI’s focus on Cybersecurity and Developing Countries aims to systematically explore cybersecurity risks and assess cyber capacity building in developing countries. They provide academic publications as well as policy briefs on global implications and challenges pertaining to cyber security, and on risks and opportunities for donors countries, NGOs and international organizations to assist developing countries with cyber security capacity building. The aim is to provide a critical analysis of how to accomplish and improve cyber capacity building in practice.NUPI seeks to enhance the understanding of today’s increased dependency on a functional cyberspace and what this entails in terms of vulnerabilities, crime and conflict. Another area of focus is on International governance and regulation, with particular emphasis on the private sector and the dependence on them to providing cyber security nationally and internationally. Through their extensive international and national network within cybersecurity we work with a wide range of global partners, including governments, military, international organizations, academia and the private sector. NUPI organizes several seminars and events aimed at enhancing public awareness and knowledge of the various challenges associated with cyber security in Norway as well as internationally.

GFCE Member Since: 13 July 2018


Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy

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