ISOC Armenia NGO

ISOC Armenia is a non-for-profit NGO of Internet users of Armenia. ISOC Armenia is a ccTLD manager of .am Top Level Domain and .հայ IDN Top Level Domain. ISOC Armenia plays a key role in bringing together diverse organizations that make up the Armenian Internet community. It frequently acts as a driving force for new ideas and initiatives aimed at advancing the Internet in Armenia. Its members, representing research and educational institutions, universities, NGOs, ISPs, libraries, government agencies, the constitutional court, and businesses, collaborate to develop shared views on the management and progress of the Armenian Internet. This broad representation enables ISOC Armenia to effectively assist in creating community Internet centres in Armenia’s provinces.

The functional division of ISOC Armenia is also CERT.AM, which is responsible for Armenian domain system security.


Emerging Technologies

Cybersecurity Culture and Skills

Cyber Incident Management and Critical Infrastructure Protection

Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy