Member Description: As the world business organization with a presence in over 130 countries, ICC plays a central role in representing business members from all sectors, sizes and regions in major international organizations and negotiations – from the United Nations to the G20. We work to promote international trade, responsible business and a global approach to regulation through advocacy and standard setting activities.The ICC Commission on the Digital Economy draws upon a cross-section of business leaders and experts from ICC members to develop policy positions and practical tools for the Internet and information communications technology on behalf of users, providers and operators of information technology. Its members voice business concerns and needs to governments to help them draft policy, legal and regulatory frameworks that address critical ICT issues, and better respond to business needs.
Focus on Specific Topics:
- Cyber security awareness raising and resilience for business
- Internet governance• Privacy and data protection
- Internet and communication technologies for development
- Cross-border data flows• Internet of Everything and emerging technologies
GFCE Member Since: 16 April 2015