
The Government of Ecuador is currently working on the following processes:

  • Implementation Plan for the National Cybersecurity Strategy.
  • Ecuador National CSIRT. Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society is working with international cooperation to set up a national CSRT.
  • EGSI V3.0. A Ministerial Agreement will be issued to the application of this technical standard that will allow a linkage of digital and information security in the public sector.
  • UE-LAC Cooperation – Digital Alliance

Focus on specific topics:

  • National Cybersecurity Strategy
  • Cybersecurity regulations and standards
  • Security and privacy practices
  • Cyber incident management and critical infrastructure protection
  • Mitigation of Cyber threats
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence in Cyberattacks
  • Building capacity and international cooperation.




Participates in the following GFCE groups

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