At Clingendael Academy, the cyber team organises, coordinates and implements knowledge exchange and on-site or online training courses on cyber security and -diplomacy.
With their training courses Clingendael Academy aims to contribute to the professional development of diplomats and other professionals operating in the international cyber domain.
The Clingendael Training Method combines relevant content, skills-based training, and application to the professional context of specific training audiences. The courses cover a range of cyber issues related to cyber threats, challenges, opportunities, and policy solutions that are relevant to the group. What can these professionals do to contribute to security and stability in the international cyber domain?
Clingendael Institute focuses on following topics:
- Cyber risks and the international cyber threat landscape.
- The cyber kill chain by analysing real-life case studies
- The normative framework including the norms for responsible state behaviour, applicability of international law, confidence building measures and cyber capacity building
- Strategic tools such as a stakeholder analysis, SWOT analysis, actor analysis, to discover avenues for regional and international cooperation in the cyber domain.
- Attribution and diplomatic responses to malicious cyber operations
- Cyber crisis simulation and tabletop exercises
- Red-teaming exercises, understanding an attacker’s mindset
- E-learning materials, for example on cyber hygiene
GFCE Member Since: March 2024