Report on the “Next steps Cybil – the CCB knowledge portal” Session
Report | GFCE V-Meeting “Next steps Cybil – the CCB knolwedge portal” Session
Cybil has been live for almost seven months since its launch in Addis Ababa during the GFCE Annual Meeting 2019. Based on the feedback we received since the launch, new features have been added and improvements have been made. This session aimed to get feedback from the community on their experience with Cybil and to brainstorm together with the Cybil Portal group on the next steps for the Cybil portal. The Cybil session was moderated by Carolin Weisser Harris from the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, who is a key member of the Cybil Portal group.
The first presentation was by Robert Newnham, the Cybil portal manager,who gave a quick introduction to Cybil and an overview of the content and the recent improvements that were made. Cybil contains information on cyber capacity building (CCB) projects, tools, publications, actors, and events. It is possible to provide information for Cybil through the Working Groups or to contact the portal manager directly. The information on Cybil can be filtered using different categories. A most recent feature that has been added is that you can select projects through using country or beneficiary filters. Another important new feature is that you can export your search results in a XLSX file. Another element that is currently being worked on is to get Cybil translated in French and Spanish to highlight its global character and that it should be accessible to the global CCB community.
Ole Willers, from NUPI, presented the ideas and suggestions on behalf of the Cybil Portal group. The group was formed in 2018 and consists of representatives from ASPI, DiploFoundation, FIRST, GCSCC and NUPI and acts as the oversight board for Cybil. This presentation focused on the governance and management model, the content curation and management as well as the content development of Cybil. Some achievements of Cybil in the last seven months are that we get approximately 130 visitors per week from around the word through Google search. There are some questions that the Portal Group is currently working on, how to ensure a global platform by and from the community, how to encourage proactive submission of data and how to ensure the curation of the data on Cybil? The portal group also has some new ideas on content development that was shared with the participants through the questionnaire prior to the session and Mentimeter during the meeting.
The interactive discussion focused on how to improve the portal. This input will be used by the Cybil portal group to determine what the next development steps are with regards to e.g. adding visualizations to Cybil, but also on the governance and management model for Cybil. More information will be made available in the coming weeks.
If you are interested to learn more about Cybil or are interested to join the Portal group, please get in touch with the GFCE Secretariat at