GFCE Triple- I Bogota Meeting

3 December 2023
Bogota, Colombia

On Sunday 3 December, the LACIGF hosted the GFCE Triple-I Day for the second time in LAC region. The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), as part of the activities on Day zero of the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum, LACIGF 16, organized the GFCE Triple-I workshop “Creating a more trusted Internet experience, together”. This workshop was supported by LACIGF (, ICANN (, LACTLD (, LACNIC (, (, Internet Society (, and EasyDMARC, and stakeholders from these and other organizations working in the development of the Internet in our LAC region participated in the workshop, both as speakers and participants, including the government, the private sector and the technical community. It was building upon the results of the previous workshop in La Paz, Bolivia, hosted by LACIGF in 2019 (

Download here the presentations from the workshop.