The Global Cyber Capacity Building Research Agenda 2021 is Now Online!

News Article | 25 November 2020 

We are proud to announce that the Global Cyber Capacity Building Research Agenda 2021 is now available online! You can download it here.

The Research Agenda is a new tool developed for and by the GFCE Community. The overarching aim of the Research Agenda is to help the capacity building community design and run more effective projects by identifying knowledge gaps and filling gaps through research.

Between October and November 2020, the GFCE Working Groups and Task Forces, with the support of the GFCE Research Committee, were called to propose research ideas, and a total of fifteen (15) research ideas were identified for the draft Research Agenda.

Over half of the GFCE Community participated in this first agenda-setting exercise to determine the prioritization of the fifteen (15) research ideas. You may see the prioritised list in the Research Agenda document. The draft Research Agenda will be presented at the GFCE Annual V-Meeting 2020 on 24 and 25 November.

If you are interested in funding or supporting the GFCE’s research efforts please contact the GFCE Secretariat at