“Working towards a global Cyber Capacity Building agenda”

News item | 22-02-2017

The GFCE has presented the GFCE Roadmap, which outlines the process for this year. The roadmap sets out the first concrete steps towards a more long term engagement through the development of a “global cyber capacity building agenda” and “global good practices”. The agenda and good practices will form the basis for a long term strategy for the GFCE. The Roadmap has been approved by the GFCE Members.

Purpose of the Roadmap

In November 2017, the next GCCS is tentatively planned to take place, hosted by India. The GCCS2017 could provide momentum for the GFCE to present itself as a worldwide coordinating platform and to give a political impulse to the importance of cyber capacity building. Not only because the GFCE was launched at the GCCS2015 but also as the GCCS rallies a large group of cyber stakeholders from various backgrounds.

Note has to be made that deliverables which are put forward in the roadmap are required for the GFCE to define a more long term strategy, irrespectively of the GCCS2017.  But if possible, the GFCE could now leverage the GCCS2017 to share its future cyber capacity building agenda with the rest of the world. Therefore, the GFCE has the ambition to finalize the process of development of an agenda for cyber capacity building and the global good practices by the time of the GCCS2017.

The GFCE roadmap proposed here has been prepared in accordance with the GFCE members and following the input from the GFCE Advisory Board. To download the Roadmap, click here.