GFCE Working Groups

The GFCE Working Groups were established in 2018, following the GFCE Community’s endorsement of the Delhi Communiqué on a Global Agenda for Cyber Capacity Building.

The Working Groups are the GFCE’s driving force to coordinate and improve global cyber capacity building efforts. Based on the thematic priorities identified in the Delhi Communiqué, the Working Groups are organized along the listed themes and are listed further below:

A. Cyber Security Policy and Strategy;
B. Cyber Incident Management and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection;
C. Cybercrime;
D. Cyber Security Culture & Skills;
E. Cyber Security Internet Standards

The GFCE Members & Partners collaborate with each other through the Working Groups and over 85% of the community is involved in at least one group. For coherence and synergy, the activities of Working Groups are divided across common goals of avoiding duplication of efforts (Coordination), improving the efficiency and effectiveness of CCB projects and filling knowledge gaps (Knowledge Sharing), filling capacity gaps (Match Making) and collaborating on new projects within the GFCE community (Collaboration).

You can access the 2021 Working Group Annual Report here

Overview of Working Groups

What do the Working Groups do?

Infographic of the Working Groups