Cybil Steering Committee: Open Call for Expressions of Interest

News Article | 9 December 2020


On behalf of the Cybil Knowledge Portal, the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) is calling for expressions of interest to the new Cybil Steering Committee! The deadline for applications is Sunday, 17 January 2021.

Cybil is a unique, globally-owned one stop portal that brings together knowledge on cyber capacity building. It was launched in 2019 by the GFCE and its Knowledge Partners: the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), DiploFoundation, FIRST, the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC), and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). In November 2020, the Portal Advisory Group evolved into the Cybil Steering Committee, to provide guidance, advice and views in support of the GFCE regarding the Cybil Portal, including its strategic, operational and tactical objectives and to oversee the Management of this globally owned knowledge platform. A more detailed description of the purpose and structure of the Cybil Steering Committee is outlined in the Cybil Steering Committee Terms of Reference (TOR).

Role and Responsibilities of the Steering Committee
Cybil Steering Committee members are representatives of the global Cyber Capacity Building Community and will act impartially, in the interest of the global Community and its members. Members will act in their own individual capacities in providing their support setting aside other institutional affiliations and interests.

The mandate of the Cybil Steering Committee is to have strategic oversight of Cybil and give strategic direction by providing advice and recommendations to the GFCE Secretariat and Cybil Knowledge Manager. The specific responsibilities of the Steering Committee are:

  • Develop an annual Cybil working plan with quarterly milestones, a shared calendar, and yearly deliverables;
  • Oversee a pool of experts on various themes/topics that can be drawn on for advice and guidance on issues relevant to Cybil;
  • Advise the GFCE Secretariat and Cybil Knowledge Manager on Cybil matters and support with a periodic review of Cybil’s development.
  • Discuss and make recommendations on Cybil’s strategic objectives, priorities, impact and other relevant matters;
  • Champion and promote Cybil and its activities as “Cybil Ambassadors”;
  • Participate in silence procedures for the cybilization of material that is either related to all Working Group themes or not related to any Working Group themes.

Committee members are also expected to provide inputs based on their individual expertise in cyber capacity building.

Candidate profile
Applicants to the Cybil Steering Committee will be evaluated based on the below criteria:

  • Applies in his/her individual capacity;
  • Is involved in the GFCE as a GFCE member or knowledge partner;
  • Expertise and/or work experience in a relevant area (e.g. cyber knowledge/research, knowledge sharing platforms, etc.)
  • Have a genuine interest in and a good command of cyber capacity building in an international context;
  • Willing and able to dedicate time to GFCE work. Time estimate is 4 hours a month*;
  • Commitment to serve in the Cybil Steering Committee for a period of at least two years, starting from January 2021.

In addition, the GFCE Secretariat will strive to achieve gender balance, diversity of backgrounds and a good representation of all regions in the Research Committee.

* Please note that this position is voluntary and unpaid.

Application Procedure

If you are interested in the position, please send your short biography, CV and motivation to the GFCE Secretariat at Deadline for applications is Sunday, 17 January 2021. Following the application deadline, the GFCE Secretariat will shortlist applicants based on the evaluation criteria and documents submitted.

If you have any questions please contact the GFCE Secretariat at