GFCE Working Groups Chairs: Open call for interests

News Item | 22 September 2020

The GFCE Secretariat has recently revised the GFCE Working Groups Terms of Reference (TOR) based on the lessons learned from the past two years, discussions within the GFCE Working Groups and the GFCE community. By revising the TOR, we hope to bring greater clarity to the Working Groups process as well as the different roles and responsibilities in the Working Groups. With reference to the revised GFCE Working Groups TOR, Working Groups Chairs are recognized experts in their fields and are appointed in their personal capacity on a voluntary basis by the GFCE Foundation Board for two (2) years with the possibility to serve a second term, following an open call for interests.

The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) is calling for individuals within or outside the GFCE community to apply for the appointment of a GFCE Working Group Chair by sending their CV and short motivation letter to by Wednesday 30 September 2020.

Candidates need to have background knowledge and expertise on the following themes of the GFCE Working Groups, as identified in the Delhi Communiqué:

  1. Cyber Security Policy and Strategy;
  2. Cyber Incident Management and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection;
  3. Cybercrime;
  4. Cyber Security Culture and Skills;
  5. Cyber Security Standards.


Once the deadline has passed, the candidates will be passed on to the GFCE Foundation Board who will make the final decision and appoint the Working Group Chairs based on the individual’s experience in the field and theme of the respective Working Group.

For more information on the GFCE Working Groups please kindly see the Terms of Reference here.