Editorial – Magazine #3

News item | 31-05-2017

Welcome to the third issue of Global Cyber Expertise Magazine!

A joint initiative of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, the African Union, the European Union, and the Organization of American States, this magazine is aimed at providing to cyber policymakers and stakeholders an overview of key developments on global cyber capacity building policies and activities.

This third edition covers a wide range of topics that touch upon both thematic challenges and responses to cybersecurity as well as regional updates and initiatives across the cyber spectrum.

Our cover story comes from Africa where a flagship study on the cyber threat landscape in the continent has been published as a collaborative project by the African Union Commission and Symantec which also marks the successful completion of one of the very first initiatives announced at the launch of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise in 2015. The joint work of the African Union Commission and Internet Society is also highlighted with information on the recent guidelines on internet infrastructure security.

From the Americas we have a reflection on how a multi-stakeholder approach to the development of cybersecurity policies and strategies can positively impact on increasing the public’s trust to the internet, while an analysis on the situation of data protection regulation visà-vis cybersecurity is also provided in comparison to the European and American acquis. On the other side of the globe, the Korean initiative to create a Cybersecurity Alliance for Mutual Progress comes in response for effective partnership frameworks in addressing cybersecurity challenges, while our article from Singapore demonstrates the inter-linkages between cyber norms, responsible state behaviour in cyberspace and capacity building. With regards to Europe, we have an interesting, comprehensive review of the progress made in Ukraine in the area of cybersecurity governance since the high-level attacks of 2015, as well as an overview on the European Union’s approach in addressing cybercrime.

At the same time, with the global community preparing for the Global Conference on CyberSpace to be hosted by India in late 2017, the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise is elaborating its plans for the facilitation of a discourse amongst experts and partners in the Global North and the Global South towards defining a shared global agenda on cyber capacity building. Other updates with the global dimension include the setting up of the World Economic Forum’s new Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as the establishment of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace which will endeavor to develop proposals for norms and policies to enhance international security and stability and guide responsible state and non-state behavior in cyberspace.

We value your feedback and would welcome your suggestions and contributions for the next issue. We therefore invite you to share with us information on developments in your countries and organisations, as well as upcoming cybersecurity events such as conferences, workshops, training events to feed into the next global agenda.

In thanking our guest editors, we hope that you will you will find the updates of this issue useful and look forward to your ideas!

On behalf of the Editorial Board,

Nayia Barmpaliou

Policy Coordinator and Programme Manager, Organised Crime and Cyber

European Commission, Directorate General International Cooperation and Development

This article first appeared in the third issuse of the Global Cyber Expertise Magazine – May 2017