Call for Papers – GFCE Research Workshop at Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B)

The GFCE is inviting researchers to submit extended abstracts for its Research Workshop, scheduled to take place in Accra, Ghana on November 28 2023. The workshop, organized by the GFCE Research Committee aims to facilitate scholarly research and promote dialogue between researchers and policymakers. 

The Research Workshop, held one day prior to the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B), provides a unique platform for researchers to present their work and engage in discussions with practitioners in the field. Extended abstracts should clearly outline the research area, purpose, methodology, and relevance to the GC3B objectives and themes. The workshop encourages interdisciplinary approaches, comparative perspectives, and empirical research drawn from specific case studies. 

With the theme “Cyber Resilience for Development” the conference highlights the increasing need to protect digital environments and safeguard political, economic, and societal structures from emerging online threats.  

Accepted authors will receive sponsorship for travel to Accra, including accommodation and return flights for one author per paper. They will also receive a personal invitation to attend the GC3B conference on 29-30th November 2023. Additionally, selected papers will be considered for publication in a special journal issue. 

Researchers interested in submitting extended abstracts (800-1000 words) should email their proposals to  with the subject line “Extended Abstract Submission – GC3B.” The submission deadline is August 5 2023. Authors will be notified of acceptance and provided with initial feedback by August 30 2023. Final draft papers (4,000-5,000 words) must be submitted by November 5, 2023. For more detailed information regarding the requirements for this Call for Papers, please download the enclosed concept note.  

Key dates  

5 August  Submission of extended abstracts (800 – 1000 words)   
30 August  Notification of Acceptance with initial feedback   
5 November  Submission of full draft papers (4000 – 5000 words)   
28 November  Presentation of research during GFCE Research Workshop   
29–30 November  Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building