GFCE Secretariat

Kerry-Ann Barrett

GFCE Title: GFCE OAS Liaison
Information: Kerry-Ann Barrett is the Cyber Security Policy Specialist at the Cyber Security Program at the Organization of American States. In her capacity she offers technical assistance to member states in the development and implementation of their national cybersecurity strategies as well as assist in the implementation of various technical capacity building initiatives within the Cyber Security Program. Additionally, in this capacity she has participated as a speaker at various regional and international cyberspace fora with a focus on cyber related issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Kerry-Ann is also an attorney-at-law with over sixteen (16) years of experience. Included in her legal professional experience have been appointments within several government ministries in the Caribbean, as well as legal consultancy services to the CARICOM Secretariat and the ILO Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean. She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in International Arbitration, a Master’s in Business Administration (Distinction) in International Business, an LLB and Certificates in E-Diplomacy, Cyber Security Risk Management and Legal Frameworks for ICTs. Mrs. Barrett expertise covers cybersecurity policy development, electronic commerce, internet governance and cybersecurity. Most recently, she has led or provided technical support for the development of the national cyber security frameworks for countries such as Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, México, Peru and Trinidad & Tobago. Her international experience includes the representation of the OAS in the Council of Europe, ICANN and has been designated as a member of the Board of Curators for the portal on cybersecurity capabilities of the University of Oxford, an Oxford Martin Associate as a member of the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre’s Expert Advisory Panel and the ICANN SSR2 Team.
Email adress:
Kerry Ann