The GFCE Secretariat is pleased to announce that the African Union Commission (AUC) officially confirmed to host the GFCE Annual Meeting 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 8-10 October 2019.

The official photo moment in the African Union Headquarters.

The objective of the GFCE Annual Meeting 2019 is to move further towards cyber capacity building (CCB) implementation by bringing together multi-stakeholder actors from all over the world. Two days of the Annual Meeting will be dedicated to the Working Groups, breakout sessions, GFCE announcements and interactive round-table work sessions.

The Working Groups involve existing and planned efforts of the GFCE community in building global cyber capacity along the prioritized themes of the Delhi Communiqué.

The five Working Groups related to the themes are:

  • GFCE Working Group A: Cyber Security Policy and Strategy;
  • GFCE Working Group B: Cyber Incident Management and Critical Infrastructure Protection;
  • GFCE Working Group C: Cybercrime;
  • GFCE Working Group D: Cyber Security Culture and Skills;
  • GFCE Working Group E: Cyber Security Standards and IoT.

With a particular regional focus, the first day of the Annual Meeting will consist of one full-day of GFCE Workshops, based upon the themes of the five Working Groups. The workshops will present cyber expertise in an informal arrangement and will deepen the knowledge of the participants on each of the five Working Group themes.

During the Annual Meeting, the new CCB knowledge portal will be presented, which will include a global overview on CCB projects, CCB knowledge products and a calendar with events related to CCB.

Please register on the event website.