Behind the Scenes: Consultation Meeting 2021 Planning

The GFCE Secretariat is hard at work organising the GFCE Consultation Meeting 2021. From the program to the logistics and communications, the team is committed to making the event a success. The Consultation Meeting is particularly important to the GFCE as consultations with the community lay at the heart of the GFCE’s mission to strengthen cyber capacity building through facilitation and coordination. Thus, we are excited to consult with the community once again on the strategic way forward for the GFCE, including the development of the GFCE ecosystem and GFCE regional engagement in the Pacific, Africa, Europe and Latin America and Caribbean.  

From left to right: Marjo, Kathleen and Manon, brainstorming at the office. 


Hybrid between Online and In-Person Planning 

As the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, our planning of the Consultation Meeting is occurring in a hybrid format; we are working mainly from home, with a few visits to our office in The Hague, The Netherlands. Due to the diversity of nationalities in the GFCE Secretariat, not all members of the team are currently situated in The Netherlands and thus not all of the team is able to work from the office. However, we are making the most out of this hybrid format to bring the GFCE community the best platform in which they can discuss progress, experiences and ideas for the future.  

Marjo and Kathleen collaborating on Consultation Meeting planning, at the office.


A Team Effort! 

The planning of the Consultation Meeting is divided into four key aspects: logistics, program, communications, and deliverables. Although a team within the Secretariat has been appointed to oversee these four specific aspects of planning the meeting, organising the event is really a team effort! All members of the Secretariat are coming together to lend a helping hand with organising the sessions, logistical details, and spreading the communication messages on social media platforms. At the end of the day, what we hope to achieve together is an environment in which the GFCE community can come together and share best practices and suggestions to strengthen cyber capacity building across the globe. However, the success of the meeting also depends on the GFCE community’s participation. After all, the GFCE is a community-driven platform. Thus, we look forward to seeing you at the Consultation Meeting on 15th – 16th June 2021, and we hope to hear your thoughts on how the GFCE can continue to facilitate the cyber capacity building community in developing CCB globally. 

The GFCE Secretariat updating each other on progress made towards the planning of the Consultation Meeting 2021.