Highlighting Cyber Capacity Building at the Annual Conference of GCSCC

News item | 13-02-2017

The Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC) held its Annual Conference on February 8th 2017 in Oxford. As a Partner of the GFCE and the developer of the GFCE Cybersecurity Capacity inventory, the Annual Conference of the GCSCC was an excellent opportunity to gain new insights on cyber capacity building.

In a range of various sessions the results, activities and developments were discussed together with academia, think tanks and many GFCE Members: ITU, World Bank, CTO, FCO UK, European Commission, OAS and the US State Department. Additionally, the GCSCC presented their revised edition of their Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations which is part of the GFCE initiatives ‘Assessing and Developing Cybersecurity Capability’ and ‘Progressing Cybersecurity in Senegal and West Africa’.

‘Increasing the Impact and Scale of Cyber Capacity Building’

The Head of the GFCE Secretariat, David van Duren, participated in a panel on the impact and scale of cyber capacity building alongside with representatives from GFCE Members and Partner: Australia, UK and the GCSCC. The importance of the GFCE is highlighted in its unique structure as a bottom-up, neutral and apolitical forum, which provides an excellent opportunity for cooperation on cyber capacity building initiatives. In the panel it was underlined that the GFCE could therefore be an effective global coordinating mechanism to ensure improved efficiency in delivery of cyber capacity building programs thereby avoiding duplications and blind spots. Commissioned by the GFCE, the GCSCC has developed an inventory of international, regional, and national projects, programmes and activities that aim to build cyber capacity worldwide; this inventory of the GCSCC is the only database that has collected this overview of cyber capacity building projects.