Release ‘Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Good Practice Guide’

News item | 10-11-2016

At the Meridian Conference 2016 in Mexico, ‘the GFCE-Meridian Good Practice Guide on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) for governmental policy-makers’ was presented. The CIIP Good Practice Guide is part of the GFCE-Meridian Initiative on CIIP.

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) is a complex but important topic for nations. Societies at large critically depend on the proper functioning of their Critical Infrastrcture (CI) services such as energy supply, telecommunications, financial systems, drinking water, and government services. In turn, these CI often critically depend on the proper functioning of Critical Information Infrastructures (CII).

A number of nations are on the path of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) but have difficulties in progressing with CIIP. Other nations are at the very start of their combined CIP-CIIP journey. A set of nations already progressed on that path and may have experienced pitfalls and developed good practices.

In order to raise the protection barriers and to progress on the CIIP path, the Meridian Process and the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) jointly took the initiative to develop this good practices guide on CIIP for national CI and CII policy-makers.

Click here to download the GFCE-Meridian CIIP Good Practice Guide.