Open Application for two GFCE Internship Positions: Communications and Working Group Support Internship

News Article | 15 June 2020

The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) is now looking for two organized, efficient, and communicative interns to support the daily work of the GFCE Secretariat in its main office in The Hague, the Netherlands. The internship is for 6 months with a preferred starting date of 15 July 2020.

The opening internship positions are the following:

  1. Communications intern: The role of the GFCE intern is to provide support to the GFCE Secretariat and to assist in improving the communication of the GFCE Secretariat’s messages to the GFCE Community through member mailings, publications, email and social media. Amongst the duties and responsibilities of this internship, the intern will support the GFCE Secretariat in carrying out the GFCE Communication Strategy 2020, draft social media, email and web content, use WordPress to publish and edit web content.
  2. Supporting the GFCE Working Groups intern: The role of the GFCE intern is to provide support to the GFCE Secretariat, the GFCE Working Groups and the GFCE Community. Amongst the duties and responsibilities of this internship, the intern will support the facilitation of one or more GFCE Working Groups, support the GFCE Secretariat in carrying out its day-to day activities in fostering the relationships with the GFCE Community and other stakeholders.


Please kindly see more information about the two opening internship positions below:



GFCE Background

Established in 2015, the GFCE is a multi-stakeholder communityof more than 115 members and partners consisting of governments, IGOs, companies, academia and project implementers from all regions of the world. Its mission is to strengthen cyber capacity and expertise globally by being a pragmatic, action-orientated and flexible platform for international collaboration. The GFCE delivers its mission through coordinationto avoid duplication of efforts and blind spots; knowledge sharing to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of projects; being a Clearing House to connect requests for assistance with offers of support; and identifying and filling knowledge gaps with the development of a global CCB Research Agenda. More information can be found on

Application Procedure

  • Applicants are required to send a cover letter with their motivation and their CV to the GFCE Secretariat at Deadline for application is Wednesday 1 July 2020. Kindly indicate which internship position you wish to apply for.
  • Following the application deadline, the Secretariat will review all applications and inform the applicants about the status of their application.
  • Interviews with the selected applicants will be held in the week of 6 – 10 July 2020.
  • The two selected applicants will be starting on 15 July 2020. This starting date is preferred however, it is possible to delay the start date upon consultation. Please indicate your availability in your application for the position.
  • Please kindly note that the position is in The Hague and the GFCE Secretariat does not cover relocation costs.


For more information on this internship opportunity please contact Marjo Baayen, Director GFCE Secretariat, via